EU Bubble

Believe it or not, normal people don’t know who Ursula von der Leyen, Nicolas Schmit or Manfred Weber are (ok, the latter is excusable)

The EU Bubble is a term used to indicate a reality distortion generated by the peculiar set of people that inhabit the Brussels’ European District.

A Bubble resident typically uses sentences like: “We should burst the bubble!”, “We need to break silos”, “Reach the citizens” and “engage the voters”.

iceberg of the European Union
simple test: if you know more than three terms from the two bottom layers you belong to the EU Bubble

The Bubble manifests itself in different ways, depending on the institutions you work in:

  • At the European Commission they believe that everybody speaks at least three languages, spend their days writing policies or have a copy of the White Paper on their night table
  • At the European Parliament they believe that weekends start on Thursdays, that Axel Voss is as famous as Johnny Depp, and that member states’ main reason to exist is transposing directives
  • At the Council they believe that the difference between the Council of the European Union and the European Council is self-explanatory and that Joe Sixpack knows who Charles Michel is.

Unfortunately, no one can be told what The EU Bubble is. You’ll have to see it for yourself.

Useless to say, when Eurocrats leave the Bubble they bring it with them, but in rare occasions, for examples Christmas break, they are forced to confront the harsh reality.

Christmas holidays force a temporary burst of the EU Bubble which might generate unforeseen, and possibly violent, reactions. If one of your family member is affected by this, start reading them the EU Treaties in reversed chronological order.