Outside the EU BubbleThe EU Bubble is a term used to indicate a reality distortion generated by the peculiar set of people that inhabit the Brussels' European District. A Bubble resident typically uses sentences like: "We should burst the bubble!", "We need to break silos", "Reach the citizens" and "engage the voters". The..., the term is used by anyone who wishes to undergo surgery in order to increase their attractiveness visavi potential sexual partners.
Within said bubble, enlargement means adding more countries to the 28 27 of the European Union, thus promoting their status from third countryA third country (/θɜː(r)d kʌntɹi/) is a country that has not (yet) joined the European Union; or a country which, through some inexplicable act of self-harm, has left that same Union. In this latter case the term is often mispronounced as turd country (/tɜːd kʌntɹi/), but DGT ensures that this... to member stateMember State (abbr. MS) is how eurocrats call a country which is part of the European Union. Clear writing guidelines recommend using EU country or EU countries instead, but some habits are hard to die..... A state that wishes to apply for membership must respect the common values of the EU (e. g. democracy, demokrácia in Hungarian, demokracja in Polish).
The etymology of this EU slang term is uncertain, but most likely it was coined by a well-endowed French-speaking official, who never received spam emails in his life.